Internet Protocol BGP

BGP training by France-IX experts

Develop your BGP expertise

Onsite training

France-IX offers training sessions on BGP protocol basics to help your network team getting started with peering implementation and management.

This training is intended to last 2 days split into a theoretical presentation and practical workshops performed on a virtual production environment.


Who should attend ?

  • Engineering team / team running infrastructures
  • IT Managers


  • IP networks and routing protocol basics reminded. Practical implementation of BGP sessions with filtering and full table features
  • Public addressing, communities, route map and IPv6
  • Presentation and workshop on more advanced filtering principles including IPv6 case.
  • How to solve asymmetry issues
  • Dialogs BGP, OSPF, TP IPv6


Have basic knowledge of IP networks and basic understanding of Linux commands

Provided tools and deliverables

Slides with notes section and certificate of attendance


  • Being able to configure and operate enterprise public network
  • Being able to improve reliability and gain independence and reactivity towards transit providers
  • Increase the competence of your internal network team

Optional services

  • Advanced training with the addition of a 3rd day to the session